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Nova Poshta is an international innovative delivery service, and it is fast as hell. No, copy that – it is reeeeealy fast. Dope damn fast. Did you see that? We neither. But it was Nova Poshta. Nobody noticed how they came to our office, but a few glimpses of an eye passed, and we got a campaign brief from them, and no one saw a reason to delay.

the challenge

Nobody likes working in a hurry. But it is hardly a problem when your packages, delivered with Nova Poshta, come faster than you finish your morning cup of coffee. It is always challenging to catch all the daily tasks in a big city, but this one was always the fastest to come into mind during the whole project.

the brief

What can you do with a bolt of lightning, informing you it has found a way to hit the ground faster than ever and asking you to make an ads campaign about this? That’s right – you rush off away from usual working Netflix trend watching and roll up your sleeves, hoping you will be back home till Easter.


The World is changing fast, and we can hardly notice it changing. But this speed is peanuts compared to Nova Poshta delivery, so we asked the best minds from all over the Kyiv community to join us in a blitz-brainstorm. We didn’t even let them finish pitching their genius ideas when we pulled away to brief the designer and turn them into slides.
Remember the fast-changing World from the paragraph above? That were no empty words. People’s minds are now oversaturated with information consumed daily, and thus consumers can hardly remember a single ad. So we decided to make ours as simple as that. For everyone to catch and absorb. As a speed of light – it is just 299792458 meters per hour. See? That's simple!
Did you notice endless comparisons in previous chapters? That was done for a reason too! People make up their minds about things faster if you compare them to something familiar. That was what we had done. Do you know the fastest animal on the planet? And what about the car? And a rapper? Any guess? Then never miss your classes again, but remember that nobody is faster in delivery than Nova Poshta.

the Result

Jokes aside – the Nova Poshta project was really dope. We developed 3 types of different ideas – classic, conservative, and crazy. We spent not a single extra minute in the Nova Poshta office rushing to deploy the campaign after hearing that all 3 of our ideas are sick! The fastest one ever – brief received, work done, client’s applauses heard, not to mention the most rapid presentation.
Nova Poshta is the most prominent Ukrainian logistics operator, and we were thrilled to get a chance to work with them. It has been a crazy big pleasant surprise to hear that all of our campaign ideas melted the big-bosses-in-black-suits hearts, and Nova Poshta, if you are reading this – we got approx 299792458 more. We won’t run away, cause you are too fast!
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